The old e-mail spoofing trick

I need to set up
- SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
- DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
 in the cpanel, but I like to get these messages and display them on my Blogger.
There is nothing compromised on the PC.
The idiot just sends an e-mail trying to be intimidating and the sender of the e-mail is bogus.

This account is infected! Renewyour pswd right now!
You probably do not heard about me and you may be ceztainly wondering iy youre reading tlis
particular electromc message, prop&
I’mhacker who openedyour emalland ali devtcesnot so long ago.
Do not waste your time and b-v out to msg me or altemaiively tty to &d me, it is deflnitely impossible,
considermg that 1 sent you this message using YOUR account that r backect
1 have developed malware sofito the adult videos (pomo) site and suppose you spent time on this
website to enjoy it (you understand what 1 mean).
Whlle you were taking a look at content, yow browser began operating bke a RDP (Remote ConboI)
that have a keylogger that gave me authority to access yow monitor and web caniera
Next step, my programaquuedall information.
You have iTote passcodes on the online resowces you visited, 1 caught ali of them.
Surelv you are able mod them ar possibly aiready changed them
Even so it doesnt matter, my spyware updates information regulaziy
And what did 1 do?
1 made a backup ofthe device. Ofafl files and each contact.
1 created a dual-screen moie. Tbe &st section displays the chp you bad been watching (you’ve the
perfect preferences, hah&..), and the 2nd part reveals the vdeo from yotr web caxnera
What exactly should yc>u do?
Good. ai my iiew, 1000 USD is a realistic price for tbis little secret. You’ll make yon pavment by
bitcoins (fyou don’t understand this, search low to buy bitcoi& ai any search engine).
My bitcoin waflet address:
(It is cAsE sensitive, 50 copy and paste it).
You hae 48 homs to peiform the payment. (1 bullt la an exclusive pixd la this email, and right now 1
know that you have read tbis email).
To traclcthe reading of a messageand the actionsin lt, 1 utlhzea Facebook pixel. Thanks to diem
(Evervthing thatis usedfor the authorities should hdpus.)
Ia case 1 fali to get bitcoins, 1 wlIl undoubtedly &ect yow video files to ali yotu contacts, iscluding
famulv members, co-wodcers, and many more?


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