
Eu recebi este e-mail de mim mesmo.
Não sei se meu correio eletrônico foi realmente violado pois é possível alguém mandar facilmente um e-mail usando qualquer nome, inclusive um nome de e-mail que já existe e que não é de propriedade dela, ou seja, é fácil você se passar por outra pessoa.
O mais estranho foi que eu tinha um arquivo texto aberto e o cara realmente conseguiu colar o mesmo texto que foi enviado no meu e-mail.
Acho que ele conseguiu um acesso bem restrito ao meu PC, caso contrário o estrago seria bem maior.
Estou passando tudo que é antivírus para ver se derruba o sofware que ele instalou no meu PC ou tampar a brecha de algum software que estou usando.

Usando uma ferramenta cheguei a seguinte fonte de e-mail

Tem o site abaixo mas está fora

O site abaixo pede login

Este site não mostra nada de relevante

Ele usou o serviço online Zoho Mail

O e-mail veio do Rio de Janeiro, Duque de Caxias.

Hi, your account has been infected! Change your password right this moment!
You probably do not know anything about me and you may be probably interested why you're reading this particular email, right?
I'm ahacker who burstyour email boxand systemnot so long ago.
Do not waste your time and try to get in touch with me or look for me, it is definitely not possible, since I forwarded you this message from YOUR own hacked account.
I installed special program to the adult vids (porn) website and suppose that you have spent time on this site to have some fun (think you understand what I mean).
While you were keeping an eye on videos, your internet browser began to act like a RDP (Remote Control) that have a keylogger which granted me ability to access your display and camera.
Next step, my softwareobtainedall data.
You have typed passwords on the web services you visited, and I intercepted them.
Of course, you are able modify them, or perhaps already changed them.
But it doesn't matter, my malware updates information every 5 minutes.
What actually I have done?
I made a backup of the system. Of all files and contacts.
I created a dual-screen video. The first screen reveals the clip you had been watching (you've got the perfect preferences, wow...), and the second part presents the video from your own web camera.
What actually must you do?
Good, I believe, 1000 USD is a inexpensive price for this little riddle. You will make the payment by bitcoins (if you do not know this, go searching “how to purchase bitcoin” in any search engine).
My bitcoin wallet address:
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).
You have 48 hours to perform the payment. (I built in an unique pixel in this message, and at the moment I understand that you have read through this email).
To monitorthe reading of a letterand the activitywithin it, I set upa Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (That whichis appliedfor the authorities should helpus.)

In case I do not get bitcoins, I shall certainly offer your videofile to all your contacts, such as family members, co-workers, and so forth?


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