Hide your images in texts over the web

This project is useful for evading censorship of images.

Go to the website below and convert your image to text (data uri)

Another alternative is to program the link below, just drag the image.
As uri data is a base64 text encoding, this utility will serve our purpose well as well.

Now go to any forum and paste the text inside a tag code, this is usually done visually, see the image below

Who wants to know what image the text hides should go to the site below, copy and paste the text data uri, then the image that the text represents will appear

I hid several pictures in the post below, have fun

What a mess! Can it be easier?
Yes! I've created a script that automatically converts a text data into an image, as long as it's inside a tag code.
Install the Tampermonkey plugin
Script is at the bottom of the page.
Here's a tutorial on installing and activating my script.

This is just a tool and as such, can use for good or for bad.
For example, thousands of supermarkets sell knives in general in order to cut food, but nothing prevents a person from killing another with it, that is, the knife is not bad or good, it is just a tool and its use depends only of the person who uses it.
This reminds a lot of the story of Alberto Santos Dumont who created the plane so people traveled the world, but they put a machine gun and the plane was eventually used to kill people too, so he indignantly committed suicide, because he would never create this invention if he knew that it would be used this way.
I created it with the intention of evading political censorship, I hope they use it correctly.
I am not an adherent of any activist movement, extremist, political, etc.

How it works
The code below that I created to be used with the Tampermonkey plugin automatically takes a string data that is contained in a tag code and creates an img element, that is, an image.
Your src attribute is loaded with this text data uri, so the image will appear.
Now you do not have to convert manually.
Just visit forums, bloggers, social networks, that is, any website that works with this secret that the image will be shown automatically.

The future
If this project gets very popular the future will be as follows.
- Can limit how much you can write in a post. As even a small image requires an absurd number of characters, limiting the amount of characters indirectly ends up making it impossible to insert images through "data uri" type texts.
- They can start monitoring data type "data uri" and then censor according to the content.
- Can prevent the use of the tag code in the posts.
- I could also be threatened and forced to take the post or blog off the air.

Below is the javascript code to be used together with the Tampermonkey plugin.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Tag code data uri to img
// @description Obtém textos do tipo data uri inseridos dentro de tags code e cria uma imagem usando este texto do tipo data uri. O intuito deste script é burlar a censura de imagens na web.
// @author Wellington Gomes dos Santos
// @homepage https://wgomessantos.blogspot.com/2019/02/projeto-code_23.html
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2.0
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// @match *://*/*
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

//Array do tipo NodeList com as tags code
var codesNodeList = document.querySelectorAll("code");

//Percorro cada tag code encontrada
for (var i = 0; i < codesNodeList.length; i++) {

//remover todas tags br dentro de code
var brsNodeList = codesNodeList[i].querySelectorAll("br");
for (var j = 0; j < brsNodeList.length; j++) {

//pego o conteudo da tag code
var conteudo = codesNodeList[i].innerHTML;

//removo espaços e quebra de linhas
conteudo = conteudo.replace(/ /g,'').replace(/\s+/, '').replace(/\s/g, '');

//Se o conteudo da tag code for uma imagem

//crio elemento img
var nova_imagem = document.createElement("IMG");

//preencho o atributo src com o conteúdo pego da tag code
nova_imagem.src = conteudo;

//pego o node pai da tag code
var pai = codesNodeList[i].parentNode;

//insiro a imagem criada
pai.insertBefore(nova_imagem, codesNodeList[i]);

}//end if
}//end for


Tip: How to leave text vertically
If you paste two texts of images, you will realize that you will have to scroll through a world of text until you reach the next image.
One solution is to remove the line breaks and use the style attribute in this way

To remove line breaks I use Notepad ++ just press CTRL + H and make the following substitution

After the line breaks have been removed, just copy and paste the site you want.


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